Monday, February 1, 2010

About Every Day Miracles

If you know a child with Autism, or special needs I hope you find this blog helpful.  I've decided to write this because I have a passion for children who are unable to speak for themselves. I want to be a voice of answers in an area where there are many questions. I don't have a doctorate, but what I do have is a testimony and a life that has been changed forever by one quiet, mysterious, brilliant and sweet young boy. I also have a hope for my son and a vision for his future. 

That doesn't mean that I have all the answers. There are times when I grow weary by the task of caring for him and the rest of my family. There are times when I fall asleep and wake up with a list of cares concerning his needs. There are days when the gap between my hope for his future and the status quo seems so vast.

But there are moments when my little boy surprises me with a gift. His gifts to me are new things he’s never done before. Sometimes they are things I never thought that he would do. There are days when I see my prayers manifesting into reality and it fills me so full of joy that I am moved to tears. These are our Everyday Miracles. They are little steps that over time, lead to recovery.

I see that my little boy has affected so many lives.  He is a gift to me, a gift to his teachers and a gift to his peers. He is an example of the Glory of God.  Not because he has Autism, but because God’s Grace is causing him to overcome it. I’m writing this blog to share my faith and trust in God concerning my son and to document his transformation.


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